My Presets for Lightroom
Last Raspberries of the season
Moody autumn preset for a one source artificial light set-up.
Making purple foods pop
Lightroom Preset for amazing believabfood photography.
Prune plums
Sweet local plums.
Fresh Corn Meal Prep
Food photography Lightroom preset for yellow and green tones.
First mushroom Haul of the season
Beautiful mushrooms from the forest across the street.
Wild Apple Harvest
Lightroom Preset for vibrant red and yellow foods.
Pears from his uncle's garden
Free pears, where to get them. A green fruit preset.
traditional plant-based potato salad for birthday guests
LR Presets and simple recipe.
Editing Hacks for food photography and photography in general
Focus stacking
Super easy focus stacking in Photoshop.Two steps only.
Making purple foods pop
Lightroom Preset for amazing believabfood photography.
How to use Lightroom Presets
Using the Lightroom presets + an installation tutorial.
Pears from his uncle's garden
Free pears, where to get them. A green fruit preset.
Stop motion animation in Photoshop
Make your own stop motion animation for instagram and tiktok.
How to add sun or sun glare in photoshop fast and easy
Easy hack or backlit photography with some sun rays in Photoshop.
Removing scratches and dust in photoshop: How I clean up and restore old photos
Easy photoshop hacks for rescuing old memories.
Lightroom Develop Shortcuts
Best Lightroom shortcuts I use all the time.
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