Steamed kale with kimchi | vegan recipe
, strainer, knife, pot
8 cups
1⁄2-1 cup
2 tbsp
Wash the kale. Cut off the stems and chop them up. In a pot with a little bit of boiling water, add the stems, cover with a lid and cook for 1-3 minutes on medium heat. Chop up the leaves and ad to the pot and cook for 1 min with the lid on. Drain over a strainer or colander and serve with kimchi and sesame.

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Raw, steamed, or blanched
I love raw kale in salads. Raw kale and especially kale stems can be bitter and tough to chew. Steaming kale can help to remove the bitterness and to soften the stems and the leaves, making them easier to chew and to digest.
I almost never steam or blanch kale, but its a great way to offer kale to friends, who are absolutely not interested in a raw kale salad. I would make a raw kale salad for myself, and this dish for guests.
Advantages of steamed and blanched kale
- blanched kale is softer
- blanched kale is easier to chew
- you can eat more branched than raw kale
- blanched kale can be made from frozen kale
- you can blanche and eat kale stems
- blanched kale tastes great without any oil

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