An old wire basket I got online last year on a german reseller website “kleinanzeigen”, similar to craigslist. I expected it to be smaller as there were no measurements in the ad. But am very happy with the size now as I started shooting stop motion and need larger props for fruit hauls.
I shot the stop motion almost in the dark and the quality was pretty bad as the ISO I went up dramatically. Nevertheless the rustic atmosphere is enhanced by it and in the basket understood the assignment.
Like this Backdrop? You can have it!
It's a vinyl backdrop you can roll up and store easily. It's water resistant and affordable. I ordered this backdrop here, you can get 15% off there by following this link.Here are some iPhone close-ups of the food photography prop basket.
Photography Hacks
Tips for getting started and perfecting your photography game.
Presets for food and product photography, travel and street photography.
My favorite backdrops for food and product photography.
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