Vegan milks and organic apple sider vinegar.

More plant milks and juices.
Raw organic cashews.
Organic juice and Brottrunk.
Organic Brottrunk. A salty and sugar free German verison of Kombucha.

Kombucha Bar. Never tried those.

Raw Chocolate. Out of those, I like the green one the most.
Natural beauty products, Dr. Hauschka (most products are non-vegan though) and many other brands.

Natural vegan cleaning products, detergent and dishsoap.

How to find the store. It’s a little hidden on the first floor above the Tesla store. It’s the easiest to go up to the first floor in the building across the street (there is a Muji on the right in this one) and to cross the bridge in the first floor. The bridge is on the left around the corner.

I love how they promote the vegan burger “beyond meat burger”. Even I don’t eat processed cooked foods myself, I would definitely recommend to any meat eater in my life to try this burger.