They have a little of almost everything. We went to the Great Food Hall with a bigger backpack as we new they might have the best organic produce in town besides the farmers’ markets which were not happening that day anyway. The prices are as expected for imported foods astronomical. A little strange were the organic bananas for 110HKD (12€/$14) from Australia, don’t they get imported into Germany a well? Why are they in Germany around 2€ then.
Here is the fruit display, unfortunately nothing organic in here.

Most of the organic produce is actually in the fridge in the back.

Here is also a conventional product that caught my eye, never seen a freeze-dried durian being certified organic, let me know if you have.
Some organic herbs, herbs are definitely worth buying organic as all greens.
Here are the greens, I tried to catch the prices so you can see how much the produce is.
The Earthbound Farm greens were 52HKD.

They had lots of blueberries.

These giant non-organic berries were crazily huge, the organic once in the background were not small either.
There is a section with local Hong Kong organic produce on the bottom shelf. Everything is less expensive and around 30HKD.

Here are avocados, wrapped in plastic so it’s hard to see them. The amounts of plastic used to wrap the produce, organic and non-organic are heartbreaking here.

Here more random plant-based food we as raw foodies don’t buy but happy to share if you need them.
We actually bought the raisins. They were oil coated, haven’t seen this at the store, oh well.
Got these organic chia seeds. Chia puddings are so easy to make even while traveling with no equipment.
We still had some almonds we brought with us from Germany, but we might get them next week.

Beens and lentils, some even salt free. But don’t let be fooled by the low sodium statement on the cans. The so called “low sodium” products usually contain salt. Look in the ingredients List for a product with no added salt at all.

The frozen section, they had organic veggies, but all the fruit was conventional.

Raw organic mulberies, will be great in a chia pudding.
Lastly, the water in glass bottles.

Organic and natural shampoo and beauty products are near the cashier.