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Best Vegan Memes

Hey guys, here are some vegan memes I found. None of those are my creation, but I could not find the creators to link to their website. If you are the creator of one of the memes, let me know in the comments.
Me explaining how you can build muscles as a vegan


What my friends think I eat

What my mom thinks I eat

What my colleagues think I eat

What society thinks I eat

What I think I eat

What I eat

Vegan Memes

When you’re vegan af and the photographer says “say cheese”

Wenn du vegan bist und der Fotograf sagt “sag Käse”

Vegan Memes

First rule of vegan club, tell everyone about vegan club.

Vegan Memes

Why do vegans have foods that look like meat?

why do meat eaters change their food so it doesn’t look like an animal?

Vegan Memes

If vegans love animals so much, why do they eat all their food?

Why do we grow crops to feed the animals we eat, when we could just eat the crops?

Vegan Memes

Your children are vegan? Thats unhealthy and cruel.

Feed children sausages, burgers, ans coca cola.

Vegan Meme

Became a vegan because of ethical reasons,

loosing weight because i’m eating less crap.

Vegan Meme

How can you tell if someone is Vegan? Don’t worry, when you offer them meat they will say “no thanks”, then you can ask them a bunch of questions about it which they will answer politely, then you can get upset about it for no reason.

Vegan Meme

I’m not a smart man, but I know cow’s milk is for baby cows.

Vegan Meme

meat eaters that claim to hate vegans so much; why not just ignore us like you do climate change, deforestation and animal suffering??

Vegan Meme

When you tell them cows need to have babies to produce milk.

Vegan Meme

Kill dogs or cats: psychopath

Kill cows, pigs, chickens: normal person

Kill no animals: extremist

Vegan Meme

So if you “love animals” why do you eat them?

OMG Karen, you can’t just ask people why they are f*ing hypocrites.

Vegan Meme

When you tell your family you are vegan

Vegan Meme

How to confuse a vegan

Vegan Meme

Waiting for a valid argument against veganism

Vegan Memes

To all the people i annoy by being vegan

It’s not me, it’s your conscience

Vegan Memes

What I think I look like when talking about veganism vs what I actually look like

Vegan Memes

I heard you’re vegan now! What’s up with that?

You know how we’re always talking about how the world is fucked up, and how it needs to change?

Well, I got sick of just talking.

Vegan Meme

How most people see burgers

How vegans see burgers

Vegan Meme

When grandma roasted you 5 times at dinner for being vegan and now she wants a picture

Vegan Meme

How I look trying to make a vegan meal using the side menu

Vegan Meme

Meat eater’s reaction

when you tell them the truth about the meat industry

Vegan Memes

when people say ew at your vegan meat substitute but they’re literally eating a dead animal

wenn andere zu deinem Fleischersatz igitt sagen, selbst aber ein totes Tier essen

Vegan Meme

When someone asks you to respect their decision to have animals killed

It’s a no from me

Vegan Memes
Vegan Meme

When there is only one vegan dish at a party and everyone is trying to eat it

When you were dead, but someone commented that you died because you were vegan

Vegan Meme

I finally found a bench big enough to hold all my vegan friends

Vegan Meme

Friend: there will be a vegan option

Vegan option:

Vegan Meme

Watching the chef cook

Your vegan meal like…

Vegan Meme

Them: “wow you’re vegan? I bet you’re super healthy” Me:

Vegan Meme

Them: wanna go to a an all you can eat vegan buffet? Me:

Vegan Memes

When your cats know you’re vegan so they bring you vegan “kills”

Vegan Meme

Research on milk and cancer 

Milk and bones

Milk gives you strong bones and teeth

April fools. Cancer. It gives you cancer.

Vegan Meme

Does he bite?

No, but he can hurt you in other ways.

Meat eaters that claim to love animals are hypocrites.

Vegan Meme

Reading a vegan recipe online:

The author’s life story and inspiration for the recipe

The recipe:

Vegan Meme

Vegan baking

because you can eat all the damn batter you want

Vegan Memes

Being vegan isn’t manly?

Tell me again how you still drink breast milk

Vegan Memes

The list of reasons why you shouldn’t be vegan

Vegan Meme

You ‘re not lactose intolerant

You’re just not a baby cow, bro

Vegan Meme

The more I get to know people, the more I realise why Noah only let animals on the boat

Vegan Meme

The side effects of veganism

Die Nebenwirkungen von Veganismus

Vegan Meme

How your mum sees you the day after going vegan

Vegan Meme

a veggie hot dog made from plants instead of eyeballs, lips & assholes

Vegan Meme

no dairy milk

the dairy industry

Vegan Meme

Dating pool before going vegan


Vegan Meme

I respect animals, so I don’t eat them.

I wish you vegan respected humans as much as you respect animals.

Vegans don’t eat animals either.

Vegan Meme

Tastes better than it looks.

Vegan Meme

The hardest part about being vegan is having to wake up at 5 am to milk the almonds.

Vegan Meme

The only way to have chicken for dinner.

Vegan Memes

When people say they have never tried vegan food.

Vegan Meme

When people realize the delicious food they ate was vegan ans ask who made it

Vegan Meme
Vegan Meme

my dream home

when you’re the only vegan in your family & you choose to celebrate your birthday at a vegan restaurant

Vegan Meme

When you’re the only vegan at a party and gonna bring your own food

Vegan Meme

Me when I went Vegan

Me after years of arguing with idiots about my lifestyle

Vegan Meme

Me: do you have vegan options?

Waitress: is vegetarian food okey?

Me: is monopoly money okey?

Vegan Meme

Vegan easter egg

Vegan Meme

Me: do you have vegan options?


Vegan Meme

Wenn ich vergesse meine  wiederverwendbare Tasche zum Einkaufen mitzubringen

Vegan Meme

When you are shopping for vegan food

Ingredients: Broccoli, Milk Powder 1%

Vegan Meme

When you spend most of your life consuming animals but once you go vegan people be like “you don’t know what you’re missing”

Vegan Meme

What it feels like explaining veganism

Vegan Meme
Vegan Meme

When you first go vegan but aren’t sure how

Vegan Meme

Hugging a cow is like hugging a biggest puppy in the world

Vegan Meme

You ‘re not lactose intolerant

You’re just not a baby cow

Vegan Meme

when a stranger orders the vegan option

Vegan Meme

Fruitadmin Book

Fruitadmin e-Book



  • Simple doable raw food
  • 101 recipes for every day
  • Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, and snacks
  • Salads, smoothies, pasta, cakes, and ice cream recipes are included
  • Meal plans, shopping tips, finding the right ingredients

Eating mostly raw for over 9 years I discovered the easiest, tastiest, and the most nutritious recipes. It’s not just an exciting and healthy way of eating for me, it also offers an incredible variety every day. Raw food recipes are fun and easy once you know how to make them it.
In this book, I share many helpful tips for planning, purchasing and preparing raw food meals on the daily basis.
Whether you want to try just a few new raw food dishes, or are planning on eating more raw food regularly, this book is a great introduction to raw foods and will motivate you to eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as switching to healthier snacks. I am very happy to be here for you on your raw food journey.

Some recipes contain nuts and other allergens.
This is a digital product. You will get this book as an pdf document.



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Lake Pukaki

Lake Pukaki
Tekapo 7999, Neuseeland


Lake Pukaki

Beautiful lake in New Zealand.

Black Sand Beach

Truly black sand beach on Big Island, Hawaii.


The beach, where Seals are camping out in the sun.

Green Sand Beach on Big Island, Hawaii

Walking on the green sand, harvesting purslane, & a long hot & windy hike to the beach.

Lanikai Beach on Oahu, Hawaii

One of the most beautiful beaches.

World Traveler

Work and travel got to a new level when my husband and I left home and decided to live in amazing, warm and raw food friendly places. Experiencing the culture and working on our project from home.

Only in Japan

There are some very expensive fruits in Japan. Some looked like they would make a perfect present. Most looked like they are about to destroy the environment with all the plastic packaging. We took photos of all the special foods we came across while visiting Tokyo. 100 Yen were about $1. I don’t want to be disrespectful to the Japanese culture of gifting expensive special beautifully packaged fruits. From mine point of view, some of it is just very very unusual and eye-catching.

Wasabi found at a supermarket.

Cherry blossoms for decorating desserts and cute dishes?

The perfect medlar.

No words.

Even less words.

What have you payed for those cherries? $150?

Are those vegan. I guess not.

Why not.


Magic berries

Very expensive mangos.

More expensive mangos.

Squared watermelon.

How much is organic food in Tokyo

Organic produce, fruit, veggies are priced very differently around the world. For us, it is always useful to estimate the spendings beforehand whren visiting a new place for a longer period of time. If you want to know where to buy organic in Tokyo, che out this post.

Organic carrots in Tokyo

2 organic carrots $3

Organic carrots in Tokyo

Organic bell peppers in Tokyo

Bell peppers 1 large $3, 2 smaller ones $4

Organic carrots in Tokyo

2 Organic oranges / clementines $3-$5

Organic carrots in Tokyo
Organic carrots in Tokyo

Organic Greens in Tokyo

Organic greens, small pack $2.5-$4

Organic Greens in Tokyo

Organic Greens in Tokyo

Organic Greens in Tokyo

Organic Greens in Tokyo

Organic Cabbage in Tokyo

Organic gabbage $3

Organic Cabbage in Tokyo

Organic Sprouts in Tokyo

Sprouts under $1

Organic Sprouts in Tokyo

Organic Mushrooms in Tokyo

Organic mushrooms $2-$8/pack

Organic Mushrooms in Tokyo

Organic Mushrooms in Tokyo

Organic Mushrooms in Tokyo

Organic avocado in Tokyo

Organic avocado $2.5

Organic Cabbage in avocado

Organic Cabbage in avocado

Organic Cabbage in avocado

Organic bananas in Tokyo

Organic bananas are were around $1

Organic bananas in Tokyo

Organic bananas in Tokyo
Organic bananas in Tokyo

Organic bananas in Tokyo
Organic bananas in Tokyo

Every other week or so we found organic bananas on sale.
Organic bananas in Tokyo

Organic Strawberries in Tokyo

Strawberries pack/$12

Organic Strawberries in Tokyo

Organic tomatoes in Tokyo

Organic tomatoes $2-$8 for a small pack/ 2 tomatoes

Organic tomatoes in Tokyo

Organic tomatoes in Tokyo

Organic tomatoes in Tokyo

Organic apples in Tokyo

Organic apples$1.6-$8

Organic apples in Tokyo

Organic reddish in Tokyo

Organic reddish $3

Organic reddish in Tokyo

Organic reddish in Tokyo
Organic frozen Berries and corn, pies
Organic reddish in Tokyo

Mouldy oranges. Definitely the most expensive organic fruit, cause you will pay for it and throw it out. Packaged produce is clamed to stay fresh longer, but at some point it will spoil and it is harder to see.

Natural shampoo, detergent, tooth paste $12-20

Organic in Tokyo

If you are looking for organic and vegan food in Tokyo, this post will be extremely helpful. We stayed in Tokyo for almost 3 month and spend a ton of time exploring all the organic options available, just like we always do. You will find pics with prices, I also have an extra price post for a quick overview for organic fruit and natural beauty products.

Compared to bigger European and Northern American cities, the availability of organic produce in Tokyo is not impressive. Considering the size of the city, there are just a few organic store chains with a handful of stores located in the city center. We stayed in Shibuya with the highest density of organic stores to choose from. Luckily, some small and bigger food stores all over the city had at least some organic products in stock. There are also delivery services offering organic produce and dry goods. The farmers markets were not a great option for organic produce sadly.

The Organic label/seal to look for in Japan:

Certified products are manufactured/grown in accordance with organic JAS Standards

Organic Supermarkets

Bio c’ Bon

An organic and natural store chain we new from Paris. Lots of European products. A great fruit selection. Mostly organic products. Beauty and skin care products. Check their website and Facebook page for more locations and opening hours or just google the store.

Bio c’ Bon Gaien-nishi-dori
Gaien-nishi-dori, 3 Chome-42-2 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Bio C Bon Tomigaya
ビオセボン(Bio c’ Bon)富ヶ谷店
1 Chome-49-番21号 Tomigaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0063, Japan

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Bio c’ Bon Nakameguro
Japan, 〒153-0051 Tokyo, Meguro City, Kamimeguro, 1 Chome−26−2 中目黒アトラスタワー内

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Bio c’ Bon Azabujuban Shop
Japan, 〒106-0045 Tokyo, Minato City, Azabujuban, 2 Chome−9−2 1階

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Natural House

Natural House was our favorite go to store as it was pretty much the closest and even not a huge store, it was packed with fresh produce, dry goods, and natural skin care products.

Natural House 共同ビル(青山)
3 Chome-6-18 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Natural House Ayoma
in the Tokyu Store Futako Tamagawa Rise Store
2 Chome-21-1 Tamagawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0094, Japan

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Natural House ナチュラルハウス
in PARCO_ya Ueno
Japan, 〒110-0005 Tokyo, Taito City, Ueno, 3 Chome−24−6 フロンティアタワ 4階

No produce. Small Stool.

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Crayon House

Crayon House is more than a store and this is probably why we went there so often. The food floor is not too huge, but we could get all the necessity. There is a beautiful outside sitting area, great selection of beauty products and a whole floor with sustainable toys for kids. The whole store is surrounded by sweet smelling flowers, a beautiful oasis.

Crayon House クレヨンハウス 東京店
3 Chome-8-15 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

More Natural Markets

These, we visited once or twice.

Natural Mart 広尾商店街振興組合事務所
Japan, 〒150-0012 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Hiroo, 5 Chome−1

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Japan, 2 Chome-23-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0053, Japan

7Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

1Organic in Tokyo

2Organic in Tokyo

3Organic in Tokyo

4Organic in Tokyo

5Organic in Tokyo
10Organic in Tokyo

6Organic in Tokyo

Bonraspail in SEIBU SHINJUKU PePe
1 Chome-30-1 Kabukicho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0021, Japan

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic at regular and specialty Stores

Japan, 〒151-0063 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Tomigaya, 1 Chome−9−16 代々木コーポ 1F

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

atré Shinagawa
2 Chome-18-1 Konan, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Isetan Shinjuku
3 Chome-14-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0022, Japan

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Shibuya Hikarie
Hikarie, 2-chōme-21-1 Shibuya, Shibuya City, Tōkyō-to 150-8510, Japan

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Precce Premium Tokyo Midtown and a store nearby
Japan, 〒107-0052 Tokyo, Minato City, Akasaka, 9 Chome−7−4 東京ミッドタウン ガーデンサイド地下

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Nissin World Delicatessen
2 Chome-32-13 Higashiazabu, Minato City, Tokyo 106-0044, Japan

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

At a random Lawsons

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic at farmers’ Markets

There is almost nothing certified organic, but it might be worth it talking to the farmers to find out who grows the produce organically or spray free.
Aoyama Farmers Market / UNU Farmers market
Japan, 5 Chome-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0001

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo
Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

5Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo

Organic in Tokyo