Adresse: Green Common The FOREST, Hongkong, Mong Kok, Nelson St, 17號The Forest 1樓110號舖
Preise für Bio in Hongkong
Bio-Siegel in Hongkong
Bio in Hongkong

Vegan milks and organic apple sider vinegar.

Plant milks.

More vegan milks and cheeses. Deja cheese and yogurt.

More plant milks and juices.
Raw organic cashews.

Organic juice and Brottrunk.

Organic Brottrunk. A salty and sugar free German verison of Kombucha.

Kombucha Bar. Never tried those.
Raw Chocolate. Out of those, I like the green one the most.

Natural beauty products, Dr. Hauschka (most products are non-vegan though) and many other brands.

Natural vegan cleaning products, detergent and dishsoap.
How to find the store. It’s a little hidden on the first floor above the Tesla store. It’s the easiest to go up to the first floor in the building across the street (there is a Muji on the right in this one) and to cross the bridge in the first floor. The bridge is on the left around the corner.

I love how they promote the vegan burger „beyond meat burger“. Even I don’t eat processed cooked foods myself, I would definitely recommend to any meat eater in my life to try this burger.